RobWinton: The lovely couple (and a funny bloke in a dress)
RobWinton: Rain!
RobWinton: Down In The Valley
RobWinton: Drifting
RobWinton: Steps
RobWinton: The Church
RobWinton: Vaulted
RobWinton: Waiting with rice in hand
RobWinton: Keep looking forward - pretend you haven't noticed the dress
RobWinton: Pedro and the Kilt
RobWinton: Pedro and the Kilt 2
RobWinton: Rob & Flor
RobWinton: Shock!
RobWinton: Cha-cha-cha
RobWinton: Paloma
RobWinton: Ana and Sari
RobWinton: Peekaboo!
RobWinton: ha ha ha
RobWinton: On stage
RobWinton: Flash!
RobWinton: Where are our drinks?