RobW_: Jacqui's Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Ritsa and Freda
RobW_: Jacqui, Ritsa and Freda
RobW_: Art at Freda's
RobW_: Assessing
RobW_: Freda Doing Make-Up
RobW_: Finishing Touches
RobW_: Jacqui's Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Jacqui's Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Jacqui's Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Jacqui's Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Jacqui's Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Reviewing the Results
RobW_: She Shoots People
RobW_: Rory and Jacqui with Freda
RobW_: Up the Stairs
RobW_: Freda and Natasha
RobW_: Freda at Krioneri
RobW_: Freda
RobW_: Freda and Chelsea
RobW_: Natasha - Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Freda
RobW_: Chelsea
RobW_: Chelsea
RobW_: Natasha - Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Chelsea
RobW_: Natasha - Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Natasha - Bridal Shoot
RobW_: Natasha and Chelsea
RobW_: Natasha - Bridal Shoot