RobW_: Spitaki Before
RobW_: Spitaki from Behind
RobW_: Demolishing the Verandah
RobW_: Day 2
RobW_: Mixing Concrete
RobW_: Day 3
RobW_: Reinforcing
RobW_: Demolishing
RobW_: Roof Corner
RobW_: License Number
RobW_: Rubble
RobW_: Day 4
RobW_: Exposing the Brickwork
RobW_: Exposing the Join
RobW_: Day 5
RobW_: Day Six
RobW_: The Roof Off
RobW_: Robert
RobW_: Ceiling Rubble
RobW_: Stripped and Uncovered
RobW_: Roofless Spitaki
RobW_: Engineer's Visit
RobW_: State of the Steel
RobW_: Kaloupadzis
RobW_: Day Seven
RobW_: A Bigger Pile of Rubble
RobW_: Ready For Concrete
RobW_: Column Support
RobW_: Corner
RobW_: Brickwork