RobW_: Serious Faces
RobW_: Exchanging Rings
RobW_: The Stefana
RobW_: Blessing
RobW_: Switching the Stefana
RobW_: Wreathed
RobW_: Crowned
RobW_: A Sip of Wine
RobW_: The Dance of Isaiah
RobW_: Proud Parents
RobW_: Signing the Register
RobW_: Greeting Granny Jessie
RobW_: Family Group
RobW_: Jacqui and Rory
RobW_: Yay, We're Married!
RobW_: Group Photo
RobW_: Family Photo
RobW_: Dancing in the Park
RobW_: Joyful Group Photo
RobW_: Family Group
RobW_: Rory and Jacqui
RobW_: Jacqui and Bridesmaids
RobW_: The Boys
RobW_: Sisters and Partners
RobW_: In The Park
RobW_: In The Park
RobW_: In the Bo-Kaap
RobW_: In the Bo-Kaap
RobW_: In the Bo-Kaap
RobW_: In the Bo-Kaap