RobVSF: We're Gonna Go Back In
RobVSF: When I Get There, Will You Be Waiting for Me?
RobVSF: I Wanted a Junction and Often there was One
RobVSF: Check My Coat In and I Paid the Dollar
RobVSF: But I'm Still Trying to Make my Mind Up
RobVSF: That You're Deserting for Better Company
RobVSF: With Big Block Letters Adhered to my Chest
RobVSF: Giving for Chances to Take it All in Stride
RobVSF: Furnished Room, Celebrate the First Flight Window
RobVSF: Back from the Last Place I Wanted to Fake
RobVSF: Canon Canonet QL 17 G-III
RobVSF: The Library Advocate
RobVSF: A Canon Among Nikons
RobVSF: Tim, Part II. Closing Time.
RobVSF: I Got to Thinking What I Mean Just What You Do
RobVSF: I'm Retracin' Every Step in My Head
RobVSF: When We Come Together and We Need Other Songs
RobVSF: A Satellite Recalled Your Voice
RobVSF: I Find the Map and Draw a Straight Line
RobVSF: The Distance from Here to Where You'd Be
RobVSF: We Can Cap the Old Lines Make Playing that Nothing Else Will Change
RobVSF: For Weeks On End Who's to Blame
RobVSF: I Remember When We Were Gambling to Win
RobVSF: Everybody Else Said Better Luck Next Time
RobVSF: At the First Hour of the Springtime
RobVSF: Oh Reckless Abandon
RobVSF: And Mail a Postcard Sending Greetings from the Eastern Block
RobVSF: I'll Remember Someday All the Chances We Took
RobVSF: Wild Open Space, Talk Like an Open Book
RobVSF: After All This is Gone, Who Would You Rather Be