RT0303: DSC04093
RT0303: DSC04091
RT0303: plastered
RT0303: NY
RT0303: less than three
RT0303: DSC04118
RT0303: DSC04114
RT0303: DSC04105
RT0303: sip
RT0303: DSC04101
RT0303: smoke and a sandwich
RT0303: waiting...
RT0303: ...
RT0303: "eh?"
RT0303: sean flyer-ing
RT0303: ponder
RT0303: sean.. still flyer-ing
RT0303: doo di doo.
RT0303: IMG_3652
RT0303: IMG_3648 (1)
RT0303: IMG_3647
RT0303: quiet.. except for the bagpipes
RT0303: bw