robsue888: fam 1973 05 04 Grandad, dad and us! 1973 ?
robsue888: fam 1976 06 xt Moving house
robsue888: 067 yst alb02 087 Mum and dad's 25th wedding anniversary party
robsue888: fam 1983 01 k0010 Mum and Dad's 25th wedding anniversary
robsue888: 070 yst alb02 114 StPaMo's Engagement
robsue888: mes 1985 12 xf Christmas "12/85"
robsue888: 081 tay 1988 09 xe My 18th birthday party
robsue888: 082 fam 1988 12 12 Christmas dinner
robsue888: 087 srm 1991 08 F 07 Stephen, my 21st birthday party
robsue888: yst alb11 16 Mum and Dad's 40th Anniversary