robsue888: man 1919 01 089
robsue888: fam 1951 05 xb Paris
robsue888: fam 1951 05 xa Paris
robsue888: fam 1951 05 xg France?
robsue888: nav00 22f Central District, Hong Kong
robsue888: 1955 03 24 Panther HD 9319 traded in for Morgan AYO 335
robsue888: pro w158 yi Mum and Dad's wedding
robsue888: fam 1960 06 xa Batley General Hospital
robsue888: 1960 06 10 Purchase of 1875 UG Ford Thames Van
robsue888: 1961 02 09 Purchase 7896 WX Hillman Minx trade in Thames van 1875 UG
robsue888: fam 1960 01 37 38 Roberttown - Hillman 7896 WX and Roger
robsue888: 1964 03 18 Purchase ADC 356B Hillman Imp trade in 7896 WX
robsue888: 1965 02 25 Purchase Hillman Imp CDC 189C
robsue888: fam 1965 03 04 Dad
robsue888: fam 1965 03 09 Phillipines
robsue888: fam 1965 03 16 Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 03 19 Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 02 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 03 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 04 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 08 Philippino policeman with an Ice Cream
robsue888: fam 1965 04 09 Danish Food Fair
robsue888: fam 1965 04 10 Danish Food Fair
robsue888: fam 1965 04 12 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 13 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 14 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 04 19 Dad and Stephen
robsue888: fam 1965 05 05 The Philippines
robsue888: fam 1965 06 09 Mum
robsue888: fam 1965 06 10 Mum