robsue888: fam 1978 06 yg Me and John Blythe
robsue888: fam 1979 06 ya Chesham School sports day
robsue888: fam 1979 06 yb Chesham School Sports day
robsue888: fam 1979 06 yc Chesham School Sports day
robsue888: fam 1979 06 yd Chesham School Sports day
robsue888: fam 1979 06 ye Chesham School Sports day
robsue888: fam 1979 06 yf Chesham Sports day
robsue888: fam 1980 01 01 "Mark Grimes, Ste Watson, Eamonn Giblin ....
robsue888: fam 1980 01 xc Scotland ?
robsue888: fam 1980 08 xd John being 'savaged'
robsue888: fam 1980 08 xe Me and John with Minstrel
robsue888: fam 1980 08 xf Me and John with Lego boats
robsue888: fam 1980 08 xc That's a thumb's up then
robsue888: fam 1982 08 yb John
robsue888: fam 1982 04 za Me, Paul and Stu
robsue888: fam 1982 04 zb Me and Paul Reynolds
robsue888: tay 1982 11 xd Bonfire Night
robsue888: rei 1982 12 xf Mum and Dad's 25th anniversary
robsue888: fam 1983 08 03 Chartered Train
robsue888: fam 1983 08 04 Me on the Thames - I have a camera - where are the pics?
robsue888: fam 1983 08 05 Nat West Tower
robsue888: fam 1983 08 06 HMS Belfast and Tower Bridge
robsue888: fam 1983 08 07 Ravens at The Tower of London
robsue888: fam 1983 08 08 The Tower of London
robsue888: fam 1983 08 10 Stu on a coach
robsue888: fam 1983 08 11 Mark, Jason and Paul
robsue888: fam 1983 08 12 Gordon and Stu
robsue888: fam 1983 08 13 Me and Jason in the background, is the teacher Mr Harrison?
robsue888: fam 1983 08 14 Simon
robsue888: fam 1983 08 15 The bus back