Rob Sentz: IMG_8173
Rob Sentz: IMG_8174
Rob Sentz: paradise creek behind our yard
Rob Sentz: IMG_8180
Rob Sentz: paradise creek in our yard
Rob Sentz: IMG_8183
Rob Sentz: driveway - 10am
Rob Sentz: Our neigbor's
Rob Sentz: IMG_8194
Rob Sentz: bridge street, totally sumberged
Rob Sentz: pumping
Rob Sentz: pumping
Rob Sentz: sandbags
Rob Sentz: paradise creek - behind our house
Rob Sentz: picture break
Rob Sentz: in the road
Rob Sentz: city workers helping us out
Rob Sentz: our backyard
Rob Sentz: IMG_8222
Rob Sentz: Deacon and Nick building a fort
Rob Sentz: sandbag wall goes up the street
Rob Sentz: our little island
Rob Sentz: Nick sandbagging our garage