Rob Sentz: starting the trail
Rob Sentz: looking up the trail
Rob Sentz: backlit
Rob Sentz: backlit, dry leaves
Rob Sentz: caravan
Rob Sentz: conifer's mist
Rob Sentz: reaching the light
Rob Sentz: old fence post
Rob Sentz: south toward moscow
Rob Sentz: across the ridge
Rob Sentz: dry grass
Rob Sentz: kids on the trail
Rob Sentz: cousins at kamiak
Rob Sentz: big sky
Rob Sentz: deadwood
Rob Sentz: us and palouse
Rob Sentz: dusty gunnar the runner
Rob Sentz: gold grass, red bush, green tree, blue sky
Rob Sentz: wild grass
Rob Sentz: Theo on the trail
Rob Sentz: old stump
Rob Sentz: more wild grass
Rob Sentz: little dude's walk
Rob Sentz: ridge walk at kamiak
Rob Sentz: dusty!
Rob Sentz: enjoying the view
Rob Sentz: light, grass
Rob Sentz: light and grass
Rob Sentz: big sis helping out
Rob Sentz: getting closer to the top