Rob Nock: Crocus - A test shot with Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Black "Beast" - One of a series of tests with our Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Streetscape - A test shot with our Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Oly E-PL1with lens retracted into "storage" position
Rob Nock: Oly E-PL1 with Lens Extended
Rob Nock: Miniature Daffodil - A test shot with Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Coming in for a landing - A test shot with Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Finches Feeding - A test shot with Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Mourning Dove - Test shot with Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Starlings - A test shot with our Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Coins, Close Up - A test shot with Olympus E-PL1 using Close Up mode.
Rob Nock: Stained Glass - A test shot with our Olympus E-PL1
Rob Nock: Test Shot 02, tree in morning haze
Rob Nock: Test Shot 01, trees in morning haze