robr3004: Andrew serving some of his award winning home made pizza
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robr3004: Andrew handing out the Milee Awards
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robr3004: Mark receiving his "Best Cover of a Fundamental Product Flaw - 3% Mileage Variance" award
robr3004: K Kris receiving his Rookie of the year award
robr3004: Russ receiving his "Best Yenta" award
robr3004: Russ receiving his "Best Support of PC*MILER While Being not So Good at Birth Control" award
robr3004: Liz receiving her "Fresh Faced Kid" award
robr3004: Roger receiving his "Best Fake English Accent" award
robr3004: KJ receiving her "CoolMost/Best Variety Hic-ups"
robr3004: Sean receiving his "Best Racial Diversification of a Pro Hockey Game" award
robr3004: Ziggy receiving his "Loudest Sales Call"
robr3004: John receiving his "Most Never Permitted to Quit or Retire" award
robr3004: Dave receiving his "Best Life Post PC*MILER -- Involuntary Separation" award
robr3004: Milee 2007 Awards