roboppy: Cutting the box down
roboppy: Cutting the box down
roboppy: Head goes through HERE
roboppy: Cutting out circle
roboppy: Cutting out circle
roboppy: Arm holes
roboppy: Arm holes
roboppy: Yay box
roboppy: First layer of white paint
roboppy: Let's paint
roboppy: ...Let's make Kåre paint!
roboppy: White paint
roboppy: 2nd layer of turquoise
roboppy: Now with a felt screen
roboppy: Making Adventure Time accessories
roboppy: Now with buttons
roboppy: Velcro for the face
roboppy: Face bits
roboppy: Lee Anne and Chris making stuff
roboppy: Taco break!
roboppy: Hello
roboppy: Letters
roboppy: BMO!
roboppy: Halloween party
roboppy: Kåre and me
roboppy: Adventure Time crew
roboppy: Adventure Time crew
roboppy: Adventure Time group photo
roboppy: Me and Kåre
roboppy: Me and Kåre