roboppy: it's quiet here
roboppy: valley of wiinneee
roboppy: I would like one of these in my imaginary backyard. or front yard.
roboppy: coffee
roboppy: juice, i haz it
roboppy: taking us through the vineyards
roboppy: vine roots over the years
roboppy: ROOTS
roboppy: looking at the root growth
roboppy: vineyards
roboppy: vinessss
roboppy: wood barrels...huge ass ones
roboppy: gonna dump some grape goo
roboppy: position it over the barrel
roboppy: steel barrels
roboppy: at another time of the year, this would be full
roboppy: and nestled deep down is this wine "library"
roboppy: tasting!
roboppy: vintages
roboppy: WINE
roboppy: mmm, bite sized
roboppy: shrimpie cups
roboppy: shrimp, avocado and a cream cheesy thing in a phyllo cup
roboppy: from above
roboppy: beef, veg thing, potato thing!
roboppy: beef, veg thing, potato thing!
roboppy: chocolate mousse-type cake
roboppy: chocolate mousse-type cake
roboppy: coffee?