roboppy: Pho Tay Ho
roboppy: Vietnamese coffee set up
roboppy: fried squid
roboppy: summer rolls
roboppy: spring rolls
roboppy: let the fooding begiiin
roboppy: Vietnamese coffee
roboppy: some plates
roboppy: avocado shake
roboppy: green mango salad?
roboppy: beef soup of some sort
roboppy: Jeremiah battles the durian shake
roboppy: pork something
roboppy: beef something
roboppy: fried bean flour pancake thing?
roboppy: soup with lotus root stuff and the caramel fish
roboppy: semi-full spread
roboppy: gotta stand for your food
roboppy: Allen, ur so fine
roboppy: I think we're getting full
roboppy: o, hai
roboppy: We're done!