roboppy: one way to start a conversation
roboppy: get yer breakfasts
roboppy: Mm, so much better than coffee
roboppy: CMA
roboppy: bag o chocs
roboppy: beef jerky?
roboppy: people who know stuff
roboppy: CMA president
roboppy: tables
roboppy: salad
roboppy: ice chocolate black tea
roboppy: table
roboppy: lamby
roboppy: lamb
roboppy: white chocolate and green tea panna cotta
roboppy: white chocolate and green tea panna cotta
roboppy: chocolate marketer
roboppy: chocolate people
roboppy: chocolate people
roboppy: chocolate dudes
roboppy: important chocolate related people?
roboppy: lots of tables
roboppy: lots of tables
roboppy: chocolate tasting
roboppy: chocolate tasting
roboppy: chocolate tasting
roboppy: chocolate tasting
roboppy: stash?