roboguy1001: The Carenage, St. Georges, Grenada
roboguy1001: St. Georges.
roboguy1001: Church destroyed by Hurrican Ivan in 2004. On the way up to the fort.
roboguy1001: "Foo-foo" ships disgorging passengers in St. Georges, Grenada.
roboguy1001: View north along the path up to fort George.
roboguy1001: Inside Fort George.
roboguy1001: Plaque Inside Fort George.
roboguy1001: Inside Fort George.
roboguy1001: View of the St. George Carenage from atop the fort.
roboguy1001: View of the harbor, with Port Louis in the background. The Island Windjammers S/V Diamant is based in Port Louis.
roboguy1001: On the way down from the fort.
roboguy1001: Lots of hills!
roboguy1001: These colorful things naturally caught my eye.
roboguy1001: Do you think he likes Obama?
roboguy1001: Old iron pavilion in the marketplace.
roboguy1001: Heading back along the St. Georges carenage.
roboguy1001: S/V Diamant passing by a freighter on the horizon. There was a ceremony on board that afternoon to scatter the ashes of a long-time Windjammer passenger.
roboguy1001: S/V Diamant.
roboguy1001: Rainbow off Grand Anse.
roboguy1001: Children at play on the Grand Anse.
roboguy1001: Yacht racing off Grand Anse, Spinnakers billowing.
roboguy1001: Heading into the turn.
roboguy1001: Close quarters.
roboguy1001: Approaching the marker.
roboguy1001: Rounding the marker.
roboguy1001: On the way in the next leg.