robmcm: We took a flight from BA to Callientes
robmcm: Best place in Rio Galagaus
robmcm: Lump of rock
robmcm: Us and glacier
robmcm: Pointy glacier
robmcm: Shaun and Olly
robmcm: Very blue glacier
robmcm: Blue
robmcm: Olly lost a bet
robmcm: Big glacier
robmcm: Shaun again
robmcm: Ice falling off the glacier
robmcm: Mountain glacier
robmcm: Macro and glacier
robmcm: Rob and glacier
robmcm: Dull road
robmcm: glacier in the distance
robmcm: Its shaun and the glacier
robmcm: Wow what a glacier
robmcm: Glacier with wave from ice fall
robmcm: Shaun
robmcm: Sink hole (very blue)
robmcm: Lots of ice
robmcm: Hanging valley
robmcm: Lots of ice
robmcm: Nice crampons
robmcm: Shaun on a glacier
robmcm: On glacier
robmcm: Steep ice
robmcm: Rob on the glacier