Rob Lovesey: Sherman Duplex Drive Tank - Museum of Underwater Wrecks Port en Bessin France
Rob Lovesey: Sherman Duplex Drive Tank - Museum of Underwater Wrecks Port en Bessin France
Rob Lovesey: M7 Priest Howitzer - Museum of Underwater Wrecks Port en Bessin France
Rob Lovesey: Stuart M5 A1 - Museum of Underwater Wrecks Port en Bessin France
Rob Lovesey: Sherman Dozer - Museum of Underwater Wrecks Port en Bessin France
Rob Lovesey: Sherman Duplex Drive Tank - Museum of Underwater Wrecks Port en Bessin France
Rob Lovesey: Port en Bessin where PLUTO came ashore
Rob Lovesey: PLUTO Monument Port en Bessin Harbour France
Rob Lovesey: Port en Bessin Harbour France
Rob Lovesey: Port en Bessin Harbour France
Rob Lovesey: Porpoise Ammunition Carrier - Ver sur Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Memorial to the Royal Artillery, 50th Northumberland Division Ver-sur-Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Memorial to the Royal Artillery, 50th Northumberland Division Ver-sur-Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Memorial to the Royal Artillery, 50th Northumberland Division Ver-sur-Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Memorial to the Royal Artillery, 50th Northumberland Division Ver-sur-Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Sexton SP 25 Pounder Gun Memorial Ver-sur-Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Sexton SP 25 Pounder Gun Memorial Ver-sur-Mer France
Rob Lovesey: Green Howards Memorial Crepon France
Rob Lovesey: Green Howards Memorial Crepon France
Rob Lovesey: Green Howards Memorial Crepon France
Rob Lovesey: Green Howards Memorial Crepon France
Rob Lovesey: Green Howards Memorial Crepon France
Rob Lovesey: Memorial to 50th Nortumberland Division Asnelles France
Rob Lovesey: Memorial to 2nd Bn South Wales Borderers Regiment Asnelles France
Rob Lovesey: Sherman Tank overlooking Arromanches France
Rob Lovesey: Royal Engineers Memorial St Come de Fresne France
Rob Lovesey: Royal Engineers Memorial St Come de Fresne France
Rob Lovesey: Bill Pendell in D-Day 75 Garden - St Come de Fresne France
Rob Lovesey: D-Day Veterans Memorial part of Bill Pendell in D-Day 75 Garden - St Come de Fresne France
Rob Lovesey: D-Day Veterans Memorial part of Bill Pendell in D-Day 75 Garden - St Come de Fresne France