Robb and Rolando:
Dollar pots from garage sale
Robb and Rolando:
Baby Hostas
Robb and Rolando:
Corner of garden
Robb and Rolando:
Planter with lavender and flowers
Robb and Rolando:
Flowers in new nook
Robb and Rolando:
Hostas and annuals
Robb and Rolando:
Lilac tree in bloom
Robb and Rolando:
Box o'color
Robb and Rolando:
Vegetable garden
Robb and Rolando:
Weedy area turned into beauty
Robb and Rolando:
Corner nook
Robb and Rolando:
Robb and Rolando:
porch garden
Robb and Rolando:
Black Eyed Susan
Robb and Rolando:
Porch Garden
Robb and Rolando:
Veggie Patch from 2nd floor
Robb and Rolando:
Perrenial Patch 1
Robb and Rolando:
Cucumber with size-issues
Robb and Rolando:
Perennial Patch 1
Robb and Rolando:
Porch Lillies
Robb and Rolando:
Robb and Rolando:
I have no clue
Robb and Rolando:
Well hello there!
Robb and Rolando:
It's a Daisy!
Robb and Rolando:
Ferocia Colure
Robb and Rolando:
Sarah, you need to trim your bush!
Robb and Rolando:
It's Major, Dahling!
Robb and Rolando:
Michael Jackson Disease
Robb and Rolando:
Bowl O'Color
Robb and Rolando:
Hostas, take 2