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2005 Canoe Trip by Rob Kunz
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Rob Kunz
Camping @ Devil Lake Campground
Rob Kunz
Camping @ Devil Lake Campground
Rob Kunz
High water levels on Devil Lake.
Rob Kunz
Our rig at the put in on Devil Lake.
Rob Kunz
Lunch on Little Devil Portage.
Rob Kunz
Little Devil
Rob Kunz
Rod inflating the "hot tub" we hauled across the long portages
Rob Kunz
The hot tub filled and the stove is burning. Now the wait begins.
Rob Kunz
The hot tub.
Rob Kunz
What a beautiful sight!
Rob Kunz
Jay stoking the fire.
Rob Kunz
Still waiting.
Rob Kunz
Bryan enjoying the hot tub.
Rob Kunz
Rod Mending the Fire
Rob Kunz
Clark Falls near our camp.
Rob Kunz
Rod and Jay fishing at the base of Clark Falls.
Rob Kunz
The wet Clark Falls portage.
Rob Kunz
As you can see the fishing was great this year.
Rob Kunz
Jay braves the water too!
Rob Kunz
Bryan with a fish that Rob caught the day before.
Rob Kunz
Rod and Jay near Clark Falls.
Rob Kunz
A pelican we found near our camp.
Rob Kunz
With the high water levels, Bryan and I were able to paddle into this quiet bay
Rob Kunz
Rocky shore.
Rob Kunz
It was cloudy most of the time but when it did come out it was beautiful.
Rob Kunz
Rob Kunz
Rob Kunz
The wild life on our island.
Rob Kunz
Bryan setting up.
Rob Kunz
Rod taking a swing
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