Rob Kunz: Camping @ Devil Lake Campground
Rob Kunz: Camping @ Devil Lake Campground
Rob Kunz: High water levels on Devil Lake.
Rob Kunz: Our rig at the put in on Devil Lake.
Rob Kunz: Lunch on Little Devil Portage.
Rob Kunz: Little Devil
Rob Kunz: Rod inflating the "hot tub" we hauled across the long portages
Rob Kunz: The hot tub filled and the stove is burning. Now the wait begins.
Rob Kunz: The hot tub.
Rob Kunz: What a beautiful sight!
Rob Kunz: Jay stoking the fire.
Rob Kunz: Still waiting.
Rob Kunz: Bryan enjoying the hot tub.
Rob Kunz: Rod Mending the Fire
Rob Kunz: Clark Falls near our camp.
Rob Kunz: Rod and Jay fishing at the base of Clark Falls.
Rob Kunz: The wet Clark Falls portage.
Rob Kunz: As you can see the fishing was great this year.
Rob Kunz: Jay braves the water too!
Rob Kunz: Bryan with a fish that Rob caught the day before.
Rob Kunz: Rod and Jay near Clark Falls.
Rob Kunz: A pelican we found near our camp.
Rob Kunz: With the high water levels, Bryan and I were able to paddle into this quiet bay
Rob Kunz: Rocky shore.
Rob Kunz: It was cloudy most of the time but when it did come out it was beautiful.
Rob Kunz: The wild life on our island.
Rob Kunz: Bryan setting up.
Rob Kunz: Rod taking a swing