Rob Keulemans: Leopard resting just next to the road
Rob Keulemans: Leopard resting just next to the road
Rob Keulemans: Leopard resting just next to the road
Rob Keulemans: Leopard
Rob Keulemans: Leopard close-up
Rob Keulemans: 2 leopard cubs
Rob Keulemans: Leopard with springhare prey!
Rob Keulemans: Leopard with springhare prey
Rob Keulemans: Leopard with fresh Impala kill
Rob Keulemans: Leopard lying on tree
Rob Keulemans: Leopard on tree
Rob Keulemans: Leopard
Rob Keulemans: Close up Leopard
Rob Keulemans: Leopard stalking
Rob Keulemans: Leopard standing on branch
Rob Keulemans: Leopard under bush
Rob Keulemans: Leopard on Nossob riverbank
Rob Keulemans: Leopard sleeping
Rob Keulemans: leopard drinking early morning
Rob Keulemans: Leopard in tree
Rob Keulemans: Leopard watchful
Rob Keulemans: Leopard's classic position
Rob Keulemans: young Leopard
Rob Keulemans: Leopard
Rob Keulemans: Leopard and warthog kill
Rob Keulemans: Leopard and warthog kill
Rob Keulemans: Leopard and warthog kill
Rob Keulemans: Leopard cubs playing
Rob Keulemans: Leopard cubs playing
Rob Keulemans: Leopard cubs playing