Rob Keulemans: Buffalo herd coming to drink in dust
Rob Keulemans: Buffalo herd coming to drink in dust
Rob Keulemans: Buffalo herd coming to drink in dust
Rob Keulemans: Drinking Elephant: This is my place!
Rob Keulemans: Baboon male contemplating
Rob Keulemans: Baboons near campsite
Rob Keulemans: Kudu bulls drinking Chitake river
Rob Keulemans: Baboons drinking in Chitake spring
Rob Keulemans: juvenile baboon :"It is very hot"
Rob Keulemans: Shikra drinking
Rob Keulemans: Shikra drinking
Rob Keulemans: Wild dogs Rukomechi pack
Rob Keulemans: Impala jumping over pool
Rob Keulemans: Elephants crossing Zambezi to Zambia
Rob Keulemans: Elephants crossing Zambezi
Rob Keulemans: Zambezi sunset with ellies
Rob Keulemans: Elephants in the dust
Rob Keulemans: Waterbuck on Zambezi floodplains
Rob Keulemans: Elephants drinking
Rob Keulemans: Elephant reaching for higher leaves
Rob Keulemans: Wild Dogs, Rukomechi pack
Rob Keulemans: Animals near figtree
Rob Keulemans: Waterbuck male Zambezi floodplains
Rob Keulemans: Buffalo dust Chitake river
Rob Keulemans: Elephants near Zambezi
Rob Keulemans: buffalo in the dust
Rob Keulemans: Wild Dogs, Rukomechi pack
Rob Keulemans: Wild Dogs, Rukomechi pack
Rob Keulemans: Wild Dogs, Rukomechi pack
Rob Keulemans: vervet monkey