hammyham: A gift from Brazil
hammyham: Para Milena
hammyham: Horses on the wall
hammyham: Balanced Rock in the Garden of the Gods
hammyham: Farm garden on woven mat
hammyham: Cowboys Delight
hammyham: Iris in our garden
hammyham: As Monet might see it
hammyham: Flowering field as Monet might paint it.
hammyham: Indian dancers
hammyham: Two Colorado mesas under virga
hammyham: Purple puffs
hammyham: Yellow and orange daisy
hammyham: Yellow blooms reflected in water
hammyham: Zinnias in watercolor
hammyham: Hollyhock as a painter might see it
hammyham: Misty shelter at the gardens
hammyham: Fountain and lily pond in pencil
hammyham: Water cascade towers
hammyham: Modernistic Light Fixture
hammyham: Bells
hammyham: Spanish motif in contrasts
hammyham: Goose duet in oil painting
hammyham: Ceramic birdhouse in water
hammyham: Colored towels in star burst
hammyham: Chapungu mother and child in crayon sketch
hammyham: Tropical flower done as chalk drawing
hammyham: Ironwork as a sketch
hammyham: Iron Gate in film strip
hammyham: Still waters as seen by Monet