Robin Dude: Kendricks, a favorite pool hall
Robin Dude: 7 ball
Robin Dude: Kendricks
Robin Dude: Redhead Cascades near Billiardball Cave
Robin Dude: Looking under
Robin Dude: Racking & smiling, & someone else
Robin Dude: Looking back
Robin Dude: Plato's Cave
Robin Dude: Corona of Secret Sorrows & Desires
Robin Dude: Oh, no....
Robin Dude: Good coffeee, sandwiches, billiards & beer
Robin Dude: That's right...
Robin Dude: Good call, good shot
Robin Dude: Coffee time
Robin Dude: The Bellingham Sidewalk Chalk Art Festival, August 12, 2006
Robin Dude: The Shooter
Robin Dude: Saturday
Robin Dude: After the Last Shot