Robin Townsend Photography: Another railroad stampede
Robin Townsend Photography: Moving train and river
Robin Townsend Photography: Railroad stampede
Robin Townsend Photography: Train wreck_Poble Nou
Robin Townsend Photography: Alstom 276's at the Can Tunis train yard
Robin Townsend Photography: Vilamalla train yard nº3.jpg
Robin Townsend Photography: Vilamalla train yard nº2
Robin Townsend Photography: Vilamalla train yard nº1
Robin Townsend Photography: Paper mill by the tracks
Robin Townsend Photography: Train depot Andorra (Teruel) thermoelectric plant
Robin Townsend Photography: The Station - Estación Término
Robin Townsend Photography: Manresa train yard
Robin Townsend Photography: R&R yard_Martorell nº 2
Robin Townsend Photography: R&R yard_Martorell nº 1
Robin Townsend Photography: Xemeneies Besòs amb tren
Robin Townsend Photography: Steam at the Barcelona port