the_Armed_high_one: Let me take you for a ride...
the_Armed_high_one: De putheks
the_Armed_high_one: Coal preparation plant.
the_Armed_high_one: The miners booth is conducting a troubleshoot test.
the_Armed_high_one: Take control...
the_Armed_high_one: How much kilo?
the_Armed_high_one: Pulverized.
the_Armed_high_one: Phone is ringing, oh my god!
the_Armed_high_one: Lift me up...
the_Armed_high_one: In the boom of the tingling strings.
the_Armed_high_one: What goes down, must come up!
the_Armed_high_one: The coal miners' trail
the_Armed_high_one: A coal preparation plant is a facility that washes coal of soil and rock, crushes it into graded sized chunks, stockpiles grades preparing it for transport to market, and more often than not, also loads coal into rail cars, barges, or ships.