robin.croft: Self-building: the annexe being emptied prior to demolition
robin.croft: Self-building: kitchen units removed
robin.croft: Self-building: the old annexe, ready to be demolished.
robin.croft: Self-building: preparing the site
robin.croft: Self-building: digging the footings
robin.croft: Self-building: accidents happen
robin.croft: Self-building: footings
robin.croft: Self-building: foundations
robin.croft: Self-building: brick upstands
robin.croft: Self-building: floors and insulation
robin.croft: Self-building: block and beam
robin.croft: Self-building: floor insulation
robin.croft: Self-building: DPM
robin.croft: Self-building: structural topping
robin.croft: Self-building: foundations complete
robin.croft: Self-building: scaffolding
robin.croft: Self-building: timber frame arrival.
robin.croft: Self-building: wall panels
robin.croft: Self-building: ground floor walls
robin.croft: Self-building: ground floor
robin.croft: Self-building: interior, ground floor.
robin.croft: Self building: timber joists
robin.croft: Self building: timber joists
robin.croft: Self-building: Floor joists
robin.croft: Self-building: internal walls
robin.croft: Self-building: first floor and roof
robin.croft: Self building: roof timbers
robin.croft: Self building: roof timbers
robin.croft: Self building: west elevation
robin.croft: Self building