robin.croft: Musical Angels, Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Nunc Dimitis, Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Reredos, Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Truro River Tributary
robin.croft: Truro Cathedral
robin.croft: Eve, Truro
robin.croft: Sara, Truro
robin.croft: Thamar, Truro
robin.croft: Rahab, Truro
robin.croft: Ruth, Truro
robin.croft: Bethsabee, Truro
robin.croft: Adoration of the Magi, Truro Cathedral