rbnbobo: dorm, common area
rbnbobo: tree house
rbnbobo: monkey steal food
rbnbobo: the mosaic in progress
rbnbobo: the [muchato] tree by the soccer pitch
rbnbobo: a robin-bird in the [muchato] tree
rbnbobo: elephant, human
rbnbobo: the greenhouse
rbnbobo: limpopo river
rbnbobo: a bee eater
rbnbobo: monkey trap
rbnbobo: keeping watch
rbnbobo: how to catch a monkey
rbnbobo: elephant
rbnbobo: me and the elephant
rbnbobo: musthing elephant at the tank, botswana
rbnbobo: babboons
rbnbobo: we saw impalas everywhere
rbnbobo: hippo
rbnbobo: hippo
rbnbobo: hippo
rbnbobo: mieke & G
rbnbobo: digging the septic tank at north camp
rbnbobo: a leopard was later spotted at the hut i'm sitting in
rbnbobo: more elephants at the water tank
rbnbobo: bird watching along limpopo river
rbnbobo: bird watching along limpopo river
rbnbobo: climbing to highest point
rbnbobo: limpopo river
rbnbobo: at highest point