rbnbobo: johannesburg
rbnbobo: johannesburg
rbnbobo: the soccer stadium built for world cup
rbnbobo: IMG_6264
rbnbobo: my guide, mr.khumalo, demo-ing xhosa "click" language
rbnbobo: camp bay, cape town
rbnbobo: camp bay, cape town
rbnbobo: playing bowles?
rbnbobo: table cloth disappearing from table mountain, cape town
rbnbobo: san tribes, each with own click-language
rbnbobo: demoing san culture
rbnbobo: example san village
rbnbobo: eland
rbnbobo: north of cape town
rbnbobo: north of cape town
rbnbobo: cedarberg mountains
rbnbobo: cedarberg mountains, olophant river
rbnbobo: where we camped first night
rbnbobo: our truck
rbnbobo: morning fog
rbnbobo: IMG_6865
rbnbobo: IMG_6860
rbnbobo: IMG_6889
rbnbobo: camping with nomad crew
rbnbobo: orange river
rbnbobo: exploring with a friendly dog
rbnbobo: hanging by the river with another friendly dog, orange river, south africa
rbnbobo: sunset over orange river
rbnbobo: jason and patrick take self-photos
rbnbobo: sunset over orange river