rbnbobo: my gym in austin
rbnbobo: more presents
rbnbobo: wrapping, by robin
rbnbobo: presents
rbnbobo: serious pie-maker
rbnbobo: jason and shan, pie-makers
rbnbobo: mom copies me in my photo taking opp
rbnbobo: mom gets violent with the camera
rbnbobo: aunt carol does crafts
rbnbobo: shan and jason make pie
rbnbobo: the lemon meringue, undisturbed
rbnbobo: dad in action
rbnbobo: aunt carol opens some curious thing
rbnbobo: shan marvels in her new toshiba laptop from jason
rbnbobo: mom opens her wifi resistant netbook
rbnbobo: what i got for christmas
rbnbobo: meringue goodness