rbnbobo: Shan and I
rbnbobo: Siren of the lake
rbnbobo: we so sexy
rbnbobo: canyon lake again
rbnbobo: a view!
rbnbobo: a shan with a view
rbnbobo: ironman banquet
rbnbobo: triathletes unite!
rbnbobo: Just arrived at transition
rbnbobo: Putting on the wetsuit
rbnbobo: the wetsuit
rbnbobo: sharnsky and me.
rbnbobo: transition area before the swim
rbnbobo: the staging corral
rbnbobo: swimming towards the swim start
rbnbobo: the 2000 person mass swim start
rbnbobo: and we're off!
rbnbobo: swim completed!
rbnbobo: the man points, "Look at that graceful bike mount"
rbnbobo: 112 miles to ride!
rbnbobo: run, run, run!
rbnbobo: the alpha supporter and bobo's oat bars
rbnbobo: safari shot of wild robin caught running
rbnbobo: finished!
rbnbobo: all of my supporters!
rbnbobo: shanny and me
rbnbobo: finisher's t-shirt, medal, balloon and flowers
rbnbobo: medal
rbnbobo: not an iron-car
rbnbobo: proud owner