rbnbobo: flying over texas
rbnbobo: Baggage confusion at Quito airport
rbnbobo: posh quito hotel room
rbnbobo: a room with a view
rbnbobo: a secret salsa affair, late at night
rbnbobo: anachronistic architecture, quito
rbnbobo: looking out over old town quito
rbnbobo: bouncy monument in old town quito
rbnbobo: indepence square
rbnbobo: ecuadorian
rbnbobo: peddling
rbnbobo: two accordianists and a rocket scientist
rbnbobo: old town street
rbnbobo: old town
rbnbobo: the virgin of quito
rbnbobo: leaving the quito hotel
rbnbobo: to galapagos and beyond!
rbnbobo: our fearless leader, tim
rbnbobo: land ahoy!
rbnbobo: truck-bed taxi to hotel
rbnbobo: view from hotel
rbnbobo: roommate sandy unpacks
rbnbobo: port
rbnbobo: the bachelor pad of san cristobal
rbnbobo: view puerto baquerizo, san cristobal
rbnbobo: candelbra cactus
rbnbobo: galapagos intrepretation center
rbnbobo: hike to frigate bird lookout
rbnbobo: the view from frigate bird lookout
rbnbobo: the group