robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Urgent Imaging 080303.001-001
robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Urgent Imaging 080303.002-001
robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Urgent Imaging 080303.003-001
robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Urgent Imaging 080303.004-001
robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Chest Review 080310.005-001
robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Chest Review 080310.006-001
robhengxr: WHXR Medical Students Talk 1 2008 - Chest Review 080310.007-001
robhengxr: Lecture overview - practical approach to chest x-rays
robhengxr: Practical chest x-ray interpretation
robhengxr: Solitary lung mass for practice in analysis
robhengxr: Interstitial opacities for practice in analysis
robhengxr: Lecture overview - urgent imaging findings of pneumothorax
robhengxr: Pleural air-fluid level = pneumothorax + effusion
robhengxr: Which of these, if any, is a real pneumothorax? (Slide 1 of 2)
robhengxr: Which of these, if any, is a real pneumothorax? (Slide 2 of 2)
robhengxr: A typical pneumothorax is often not particularly obvious (Slide 1 of 2)
robhengxr: An "early" tension pneumothorax
robhengxr: A "late" tension pneumothorax
robhengxr: Pneumothorax with consolidated lung
robhengxr: Is there a pneumothorax here - Case 3? (Slide 1 of 4)
robhengxr: Is there a pneumothorax here - Case 3? (Slide 2 of 4)
robhengxr: Is there a pneumothorax here - Case 3? (Slide 4 of 4)
robhengxr: Lecture overview - urgent imaging findings of pneumoperitoneum
robhengxr: Pneumoperitoneum - massive and obvious example
robhengxr: A typical, obvious pneumoperitoneum
robhengxr: 'Pseudo-pneumoperitoneum'
robhengxr: Pneumoperitoneum - tiny subphrenic bubble
robhengxr: Pneumoperitoneum - outlining medial edge of liver dome
robhengxr: Pneumoperitoneum - gas in falciform fissure of liver
robhengxr: Pneumoperitoneum - Rigler's sign, supine AXR