dr. rob: newest rabbit island google photo
dr. rob: storm rolling over the keweenaw
dr. rob: photo by nathan miller
dr. rob: ice between traverse bay and rabbit island
dr. rob: boat troubles on rabbit island
dr. rob: rocky bottom on a calm day
dr. rob: beaver stick
dr. rob: camp
dr. rob: Perfect Rabbit Island Boat?
dr. rob: the new bed
dr. rob: andrew on little wedge rock
dr. rob: mustard seat rock
dr. rob: young eagle massacre
dr. rob: the lake kicking up
dr. rob: engulfed in fog
dr. rob: a biologist's tag on the claw of a bald eagle
dr. rob: raspberry patch at the point
dr. rob: looking west across the cove from the southeast point
dr. rob: island library starter set
dr. rob: bookshelves in the shelter
dr. rob: kite aerial photography by nathan miller
dr. rob: surf's up
dr. rob: rob