robertwscottphotography: FD North Beach, CA - 1/06
robertwscottphotography: FD Bombay Beach, CA 1/06
robertwscottphotography: SDFD Ladder 21
robertwscottphotography: Grass Range Rural Fire, Montana
robertwscottphotography: The 12 Vehicle
robertwscottphotography: The 12 Vehicle
robertwscottphotography: The 12 Vehicle
robertwscottphotography: The 12 Vehicle
robertwscottphotography: Small fire on Violet Prairie
robertwscottphotography: Violet Prairie fire
robertwscottphotography: SWW Fair display
robertwscottphotography: Header from forest fire near Penoyar, CA
robertwscottphotography: Dist 5 beefsteak dinner
robertwscottphotography: Dist 5 Chief car