bill.roberts: Is this the time out chair?
bill.roberts: Dad's Night at Disneyland
bill.roberts: Jacob and Daddy on the Carousel
bill.roberts: DSC00009
bill.roberts: DSC00010
bill.roberts: Malaya and Daddy
bill.roberts: DSC00012
bill.roberts: CHEESE!
bill.roberts: DSC00015
bill.roberts: Christian and Daddy
bill.roberts: waiting for dinner
bill.roberts: DSC00019
bill.roberts: DSC00020
bill.roberts: DSC00021
bill.roberts: DSC00022
bill.roberts: Christian says "No pictures please!"
bill.roberts: Cute little Malaya
bill.roberts: falling asleep during the fireworks
bill.roberts: I just can't handle staying up so late
bill.roberts: at Joseph's 1st birthday party
bill.roberts: Jacob is more interested in crayons than taking a pic
bill.roberts: coloring at Joseph's party
bill.roberts: the birthday boy (on the right)
bill.roberts: DSC00033
bill.roberts: should I color my hand?
bill.roberts: Hi Mr. Lion
bill.roberts: "ROAR"
bill.roberts: "I love lions!"
bill.roberts: coloring with mommy