robertogreco: The 24 Hour Church of Elvis #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Core77 Hand and Eye Supply #portlandtrip
robertogreco: INSERT COINS
robertogreco: TEMPEST #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Ground Kontrol #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Sidewalk texture #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Look out below! The city spreads out below the Aerial Tram. #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Maxx takes a tram in the face #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Sky Bridge connecting OHSU and the VA hospital #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Giant hand with severed fingers? #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Flickr sponsors light rail in Portland? #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Convening at Mill's End Park, the world's smallest #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Smile. #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Another benchmark (of the benign variety) #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Wall texture at Mother's Bistro #portlandtrip
robertogreco: In Lisa Schroeder's office at Mother's Bistro #portlandtrip
robertogreco: In the kitchen at Mother's Bistro with chef and owner Lisa Schroeder #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Museum of Contemporary Craft #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Reading Frenzy #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Metropolitan Learning Center, better yet the Metropolis *as* Learning (de)Center #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Bri, happy to be heading back to the hostel, finally got a picture of her #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Maxx is now giving directions to other people lost in PDX #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Wall texture #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Street texture #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Grate texture #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Wall texture #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Tile texture #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Cardboard city on the ceiling of Tender Loving Empire #portlandtrip
robertogreco: Tender Loving Empire #portlandtrip
robertogreco: @lizgre Fur you…