trudeau: rocket 2
trudeau: holy oak 2
trudeau: BVP10B 2
trudeau: Along Bayou Pierre: dragon flies.
trudeau: bvp 5
trudeau: GoMo 3
trudeau: BV Park color1
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: Mo and Go, the water and garden snake.
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: Underground
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: Gator One Final a
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: cotton 2
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: Bees in the field. Plus a mud tower made by a crawfish. This is Louisiana.
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: OffLeashBVP
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: mandala
trudeau: Mississippi River steamship laden with cotton bales. The "New Orleans"
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: brokenOak1 2
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: Okra, sketch notes on Af-Am in BVP 2
trudeau: Betty Virginia Park, Shreveport
trudeau: IMG_7536
trudeau: field3 2
trudeau: IMG_7477