trudeau: Holiday self-timer family 08
trudeau: George Hardy, San Diego, Spencer Hardy, and Talbot
trudeau: Proper holiday supper
trudeau: Pre-holiday supper jitters
trudeau: Afternoon chill
trudeau: Hoodie and Pierce on Monrovia St
trudeau: Manuel Chapeau
trudeau: Foggy December Morning
trudeau: Dresden and her cousin on Monrovia St
trudeau: Buddy Morehead and son Les
trudeau: Jett, Annabel and Diana Gingles
trudeau: Corner of Oneonta and Thornhill, Shreveport
trudeau: Off the Herrington hillside
trudeau: Annabel and the antique 8 mm found by Talbot
trudeau: Dany Ebarb, host, chef, raconteur of Shreveport
trudeau: Xmas lunch at the Ebarb's
trudeau: New wheels 08
trudeau: Ball and wheels
trudeau: Lyosuke's magnetized creation
trudeau: Madeline and Annabel
trudeau: Shreveport winter sky
trudeau: Gingerbread house frame-up
trudeau: Under construction
trudeau: robert trudeau xmas 08
trudeau: Madeline, Pierce and Hoodie Collier, Shreveport
trudeau: Christina Ebarb