Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Just hangin' 'round
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Eric playing the Carlos
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Matthew on the Carlos
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Preparing the food
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Barbara and Vicki
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Gazing off in space....
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Ahhh..... Big Booty!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Pastor reading the Bible
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Steve spilled a bowl of chips on his chest
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Vanessa and Griffen relaxing
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Daniel jammin' on his uke
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Raleigh and Daniel
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): More students and kids
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Students and kids