Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Hard at work pulling tall weeds
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Some weeds pulled
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Rocks for waterfall
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Conduit for electicity behind plants
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Jeff installing the electricity
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Laying the electricity
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Pond and stream area in progress
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Prepping raised area for waterfall
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Prepping area for waterfall
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Testing stream with water
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Stream leading to pond
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Waterfall area and stream with rocks
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Stream/Rosemary plant
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Pond liner of Walmart bags
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Digging spot for spa