Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Cheesy Grin just before the ceremony
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Mike, Kristina and Matthew
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): A pre-graduation laugh with Kristina and Matthew
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Matthew's Graduation
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): A Very Happy Father and Son May 27, 2011
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): My son moments after his graduation
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Zac, Nichole and mothers
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): I have NO idea how to title this one!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Dave, Jen and Matt