Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Mike ridin' the waves in Lake Tahoe
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): HANG ON, MIKE......
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): feels GREAT!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): HANG ON, SON.....
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Janet screaming as she watches Matthew bounce and ride on the tube
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Mike, Tyler, and Natalie lovin' the speed boat
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Yeah buddy! Hold on, Matt!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Matt cruising at a breezy 42 MPH
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Look, Ma... One Hand!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Riley, Matt and Janet
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Tyler and Mike playing in the lake
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): My youngest and oldest grandchildren : Tyler and Mike in Lake Tahoe
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): HEY...Look at me!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Janet chillin' on the boat
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Tyler relaxing after a long ride on the speed boat
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Just a LITTLE bit.....
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): You ready, Tyler?
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Tyler's first trip out...and her last.
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Me and Tyler on the tube 2010
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): "Jibber the Mast, Mike"... "Aye, Captain,Matthew" "Riley, swab the deck....Riley.... RILEY??? "