Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Christmas Glasses
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): ~ Christmas Candles ~
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): ~ Sunset on the American River ~
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): A C-C-Cold D-D-Day...
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): ~ Moonlight Dance ~
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): ~ Water on Canna Lily Flower ~
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): ~ Going up..... ~ or BLASTOFF !!
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Time to Rest ~ Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Rainbow's Stormclouds
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): ~ God's Promise ~
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): You Can Go Now....
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Listening closely to the Coach
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Ice Creatures III ~ The Final Showdown
Robert M. Hoge (AKA - Lasre): Testing for a Frame