Robert C79: One of the sites on William George Barker’s Sopwith Camel
Robert C79: The bearing assembly that holds the connecting rods.
Robert C79: Connecting rod end
Robert C79: Exhaust port
Robert C79: Intake and exhaust ports
Robert C79: _80A0248.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0246.jpg
Robert C79: The tail shaft of the engine and the magneto
Robert C79: _80A0241.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0240.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0238.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0217.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0213.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0211.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0202.jpg
Robert C79: _80A0195.jpg