robert4bye4: kitchen
robert4bye4: kitchen
robert4bye4: end wall
robert4bye4: kitchen
robert4bye4: front of house
robert4bye4: removing front door
robert4bye4: front windows
robert4bye4: back wall
robert4bye4: middle wall
robert4bye4: middle wall
robert4bye4: galv beams
robert4bye4: start of flooring
robert4bye4: "strong boy's" and "acro's" holding up house
robert4bye4: laying floor
robert4bye4: front room
robert4bye4: back wall
robert4bye4: blocking up back door
robert4bye4: cutting
robert4bye4: big chainsaw diamond tipped blade
robert4bye4: cutting quorn stones
robert4bye4: wall out
robert4bye4: galv beams
robert4bye4: back door
robert4bye4: new windows
robert4bye4: back of house
robert4bye4: kitchen
robert4bye4: painting dining room
robert4bye4: reflections
robert4bye4: mmmm glass
robert4bye4: dining room