Photos by L-1172:
Tyre fire at Rockbank, Victoria-1
Photos by L-1172:
Tyre fire at Rockbank, Victoria-2
Photos by L-1172:
Three Sprinters arriving at Melton.
Photos by L-1172:
Sprinters 7005, 7012 & 7009 at the end of their journey.
Photos by L-1172:
Number glasses, headlights & air-horns on Sprinter 7012.
Photos by L-1172:
7009, 7012 & 7005 at Melton-1
Photos by L-1172:
Front view of 'Sprinter' 7009 at Melton.
Photos by L-1172:
'Sprinter' railcars 7009, 7012 & 7005 at Melton.
Photos by L-1172:
High speed 'cross' at Melton.
Photos by L-1172:
Departing 'empty cars' for Melbourne.